
System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 5)

Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

Wireframe is a demonstration of the use of the Gameduino's J1 coprocessor. The coprocessor is a fast small CPU on the Gameduino itself that can greatly speed up graphics-intensive tasks. In this sample, the coprocessor clears the screen and draws lines while the Arduino does the geometry calculations. By splitting the work in this way, the speedup is approximately 10X.

There are two programs loaded into the coprocessor: eraser handles screen clears, and wireframe handles line drawing. The code for erase.fs is a loop:

start-microcode eraser

COMM+8 constant mask

: main

    mask c@ >r
    h# 3FFF h# 7FFF \ RAM_SPRIMG, from top to bottom
        dupc@ r@ and
        over c!
        1- 2dup=

    \ tell host we're done
    d# 0 COMM+7 c!
    \ hang
    begin again


this code ANDs every byte in the 16K sprite image RAM with the given mask. It then signals completion by writing zero to COMM+7.

The code for wireframe is the inner loop of Bresenham's line drawing algorithm:

start-microcode wireframe

\ See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bresenham's_line_algorithm

COMM+0 constant X0
COMM+1 constant Y0
COMM+2 constant X1
COMM+3 constant Y1
COMM+4 constant steep
COMM+5 constant deltax
COMM+6 constant deltay
COMM+7 constant ystep
COMM+8 constant color

: setpixel ( yx -- ) \ set pixel yx to color
    h# f and
    r@ d# 4 rshift h# 0ff0 and or
    r@ h# 30 and swab or
    RAM_SPRIMG or ( addr )
    dupc@ ( addr v )
    color c@ r> d# 5 rshift h# 6 and rshift or
    swap c!

: negate invert ;fallthru
: 1+    d# 1 + ;
: @     dupc@ swap 1+ c@ swab or ;
: byte  h# ff and ;

: bresenham
    deltay c@ negate >r     \ keep -deltay on R stack for speed
    X0 @                    \ load y0x0
    deltax c@ d# 1 rshift   \ load deltax/1, is error

                    ( y0x0 error )
        over byte X1 c@ xor
        steep c@ if swab then
        r@ +                \ error -= deltay
        dup d# 0 < if
            deltax c@ +     \ error += deltax
            ystep c@ swab 1+
            d# 1
        >r swap r> + swap   \ increment YX
    r> drop

: main
        \ wait until command reg is nonzero
            ystep c@

        \ tell host we're done
        d# 0 ystep c!


The line() method below interfaces with this microcode. line() computes the line parameters, then writes them to the COMM area and triggers the coprocessor. While the coprocessor is drawing the pixels on the line, the host CPU can compute the parameters for the next line. This parallelism, together with the speed of the coprocessor at drawing pixels, is the key to the fast rendering in this sample.

The Arduino sketch is split into three parts.

First a simple plotting class provides an easy way to draw lines, and do the housekeeping of double-buffered rendering:

bool PlotterClass::begin();
void PlotterClass::line(byte x0, byte y0, byte x1, byte y1);
void PlotterClass::show();

The next part is the 3D geometry functions. project() takes object models points, and rotates and transforms them to a list of 2D points. This work is all done on the Arduino in floating-point. Then draw() uses these points and the model's edges to draw the lines. The object models are taken from the classic game Elite, kindly made available by Ian Bell.

Finally, the top-level loop cycles around the models, moving them towards and away from the camera.

#include <SPI.h>
#include <GD.h>

//                                  Plotter

#include "wireframe.h"
#include "eraser.h"

// replicate a 2-bit color across the whole byte.
byte replicate(byte color)
  return (color << 6) | (color << 4) | (color << 2) | color;

#define BLACK RGB(0,0,0)
#define WHITE RGB(255,255,255)

class PlotterClass
  void begin();
  void line(byte x0, byte y0, byte x1, byte y1);
  void show();
  byte flip;
  byte plotting;
  void erase();
  void waitready();

PlotterClass Plotter;

void PlotterClass::waitready()
  while (GD.rd(COMM+7))

void PlotterClass::erase()
  byte color = flip ? 1 : 2;

  plotting = 0;
  GD.wr(J1_RESET, 1);
  GD.wr(COMM+7, 1);
  GD.wr(COMM+8, replicate(color ^ 3));
  GD.microcode(eraser_code, sizeof(eraser_code));

void PlotterClass::begin()
  // Draw 256 sprites left to right, top to bottom, all in 4-color
  // palette mode.  By doing them in column-wise order, the address
  // calculation in setpixel is made simpler.
  // First 64 use bits 0-1, next 64 use bits 2-4, etc.
  // This gives a 256 x 256 4-color bitmap.

  unsigned int i;
  for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
    int x =     72 + 16 * ((i >> 4) & 15);
    int y =     22 + 16 * (i & 15);
    int image = i & 63;     /* image 0-63 */
    int pal =   3 - (i >> 6);   /* palettes bits in columns 3,2,1,0 */
    GD.sprite(i, x, y, image, 0x8 | (pal << 1), 0);

  flip = 0;
  plotting = 0;

void PlotterClass::show()
  if (flip == 1) {
    GD.wr16(PALETTE4A, BLACK);
    GD.wr16(PALETTE4A + 2, WHITE);
    GD.wr16(PALETTE4A + 4, BLACK);
    GD.wr16(PALETTE4A + 6, WHITE);
  } else {
    GD.wr16(PALETTE4A, BLACK);
    GD.wr16(PALETTE4A + 2, BLACK);
    GD.wr16(PALETTE4A + 4, WHITE);
    GD.wr16(PALETTE4A + 6, WHITE);
  flip ^= 1;

void PlotterClass::line(byte x0, byte y0, byte x1, byte y1)
  byte swap;
#define SWAP(a, b) (swap = (a), (a) = (b), (b) = swap)

  byte steep = abs(y1 - y0) > abs(x1 - x0);
  if (steep) {
    SWAP(x0, y0);
    SWAP(x1, y1);
  if (x0 > x1) {
    SWAP(x0, x1);
    SWAP(y0, y1);
  int deltax = x1 - x0;
  int deltay = abs(y1 - y0);
  int error = deltax / 2;
  char ystep;
  if (y0 < y1)  
    ystep = 1;
    ystep = -1;
  byte x;
  byte y = y0;

  if (!plotting) {
    GD.microcode(wireframe_code, sizeof(wireframe_code));
    plotting = 1;
    byte color = flip ? 1 : 2;
    GD.wr(COMM+8, color << 6);

//                                  3D Projection

struct ship
  const char *name;
  byte nvertices;
  prog_char *vertices;
  byte nedges;
  prog_uchar *edges;

#include "eliteships.h"
#define NSHIPS (sizeof(eliteships) / sizeof(eliteships[0]))

static float mat[9];

// Taken from glRotate()
static void rotation(float phi)
  float x = 0.57735026918962573;
  float y = 0.57735026918962573;
  float z = 0.57735026918962573;

  float s = sin(phi);
  float c = cos(phi);

  mat[0] = x*x*(1-c)+c;
  mat[1] = x*y*(1-c)-z*s;
  mat[2] = x*z*(1-c)+y*s;

  mat[3] = y*x*(1-c)+z*s;
  mat[4] = y*y*(1-c)+c;
  mat[5] = y*z*(1-c)-x*s;

  mat[6] = x*z*(1-c)-y*s;
  mat[7] = y*z*(1-c)+x*s;
  mat[8] = z*z*(1-c)+c;

static byte projected[40 * 2];

void project(struct ship *s, float distance)
  byte vx;
  prog_char *pm = s->vertices; 
  prog_char *pm_e = pm + (s->nvertices * 3);
  byte *dst = projected;
  char x, y, z;

  while (pm < pm_e) {
    x = pgm_read_byte_near(pm++);
    y = pgm_read_byte_near(pm++);
    z = pgm_read_byte_near(pm++);
    float xx = x * mat[0] + y * mat[3] + z * mat[6];
    float yy = x * mat[1] + y * mat[4] + z * mat[7];
    float zz = x * mat[2] + y * mat[5] + z * mat[8] + distance;
    float q = 140 / (140 + zz);
    *dst++ = byte(128 + xx * q);
    *dst++ = byte(128 + yy * q);

void draw(struct ship *s, float distance)
  project(s, distance);

  prog_uchar *pe = s->edges; 
  prog_uchar *pe_e = pe + (s->nedges * 2);
  while (pe < pe_e) {
    byte *v0 = &projected[pgm_read_byte_near(pe++) << 1];
    byte *v1 = &projected[pgm_read_byte_near(pe++) << 1];
    Plotter.line(v0[0], v0[1], v1[0], v1[1]);

void setup()
  GD.putstr(0, 0, "Accelerated wireframe");

static byte sn;      // Ship number, 0-NSHIPS
static float phi;    // Current rotation angle

// Draw one frame of ship
void cycle(float distance)
  phi += 0.02;
  draw(&eliteships[sn], distance);

  // GD.waitvblank(); // uncomment this to sync to 72Hz frame rate

  static byte every;
  if (++every == 4) {
    static long tprev;
    long t = micros();
    every = 0;

    char msg[30];
    int fps10 = int(4 * 10000000UL / (t - tprev));
    sprintf(msg, "%3d.%d fps  ", fps10 / 10, fps10 % 10);
    GD.putstr(41, 0, msg);
    tprev = t;

void loop()
  const char *name = eliteships[sn].name;
  GD.putstr(0, 36, "                                                  ");
  GD.putstr(25 - strlen(name) / 2, 36, name);

  int d;
  for (d = 0; d < 100; d++)
    cycle(1000 - 10 * d);
  for (d = 0; d < 72*6; d++) 
  for (d = 0; d < 100; d++)
    cycle(10 * d);
  sn = (sn + 1) % NSHIPS;