
This demonstration just plays back a single game; it's not (yet) an actual chess program. It's a demonstration of graphical chess-board display.

The board itself is a simple repeating background graphic, originally this 32x64 wood image:

The pieces are drawn as 256-color sprites. Each piece is a 32x32 pixel image, so uses four hardware sprites. The black and white pieces share the same sprite images, but have different palettes.

The clocks on the right are drawn as 16x32 sprites in 16 colors, again with two palettes for the opposing sides:

#include <SPI.h>
#include <GD.h>

#include "Wood32.h"
#include "staunton.h" // Chess pieces from eboard's Staunton set:

#define digits (sizeof(staunton_img) / 256)
#include "digits.h"

int atxy(int x, int y)
  return (y << 6) + x;

static void square(byte x, byte y, byte light)
  prog_uchar *src = Wood32_pic + (16 * light);
  int addr = atxy(x, y);
  GD.copy(addr + 0 * 64, src, 4);
  GD.copy(addr + 1 * 64, src + 4, 4);
  GD.copy(addr + 2 * 64, src + 8, 4);
  GD.copy(addr + 3 * 64, src + 12, 4);

#define QROOK    0
#define QKNIGHT  1
#define QBISHOP  2
#define QUEEN   3
#define KING    4
#define KBISHOP 5
#define KKNIGHT 6
#define KROOK   7
#define PAWN    8
#define WHITE   0x00
#define BLACK   0x10

static char board[32];

static void startboard()
  byte i;

  for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    board[i] =    56 + i;
    board[8+i] =  48 + i;
    board[16+i] = i;
    board[24+i] = 8 + i;

// Return the piece at pos, or -1 if pos is empty
static char find(byte pos)
  byte slot;
  for (slot = 0; slot < 32; slot++)
    if (board[slot] == pos)
      return slot;
  return -1;

byte images[16] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 1, 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 };

static void piece(byte slot, int x, int y)
  byte i = (4 * slot);
  byte j = images[slot & 0xf] * 2;
  byte bw = (slot >> 4) & 1;
  GD.sprite(i, x, y, j, bw, 0);
  GD.sprite(i + 1, x + 16, y, j + 1, bw, 0);
  GD.sprite(i + 2, x, y + 16, j + 12, bw, 0);
  GD.sprite(i + 3, x + 16, y + 16, j + 13, bw, 0);

#define BOARDX(pos) (8 + (((pos) & 7) << 5))
#define BOARDY(pos) (24 + ((((pos) >> 3) & 7) << 5))

static void drawboard()
  byte slot;

  for (slot = 0; slot < 32; slot++) {
    char pos = board[slot];
    if (pos < 0)
      piece(slot, 400, 400);
    else {
      piece(slot, BOARDX(pos), BOARDY(pos));

static float smoothstep(float x)
  return x*x*(3-2*x);

// move piece 'slot' to position 'pos'.
// return true if a piece was taken.
static byte movepiece(byte slot, byte pos)
  int x0 = BOARDX(board[slot]);
  int y0 = BOARDY(board[slot]);
  int x1 = BOARDX(pos);
  int y1 = BOARDY(pos);
  // move at 1.5 pix/frame
  int d = int(sqrt(pow(x0 - x1, 2) + pow(y0 - y1, 2)) / 2);
  int it;
  for (it = 0; it < d; it++) {
    float t = smoothstep(float(it) / d);
    piece(slot, int(x0 + t * (x1 - x0)), int(y0 + t * (y1 - y0)));
  byte taken = find(pos) != -1;
  if (taken)
    board[find(pos)] = -1;
  board[slot] = pos;
  return taken;

void setup()
  int i, j;

  GD.putstr(0, 0, "Chess board");

  GD.copy(RAM_CHR, Wood32_chr, sizeof(Wood32_chr));
  GD.copy(RAM_PAL, Wood32_pal, sizeof(Wood32_pal));
  GD.copy(RAM_SPRIMG, staunton_img, sizeof(staunton_img));
  GD.copy(RAM_SPRPAL, staunton_white, sizeof(staunton_white));
  GD.copy(RAM_SPRPAL + 512, staunton_black, sizeof(staunton_black));

  GD.copy(RAM_SPRIMG + (digits << 8), digits_img, sizeof(digits_img));
  GD.copy(RAM_SPRPAL + 2 * 512, digits_pal, sizeof(digits_pal));
  for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
    unsigned int b = GD.rd16(RAM_SPRPAL + 2 * 512 + 2 * i);
    GD.wr16(RAM_SPRPAL + 3 * 512 + 2 * i, b ^ 0x7fff);

  // Draw the 64 squares of the board
  for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
      square(1 + (i << 2), 3 + (j << 2), (i ^ j) & 1);

  // Draw the rank and file markers 1-8 a-h
  for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    GD.wr(atxy(3 + (i << 2), 2), 'a' + i);
    GD.wr(atxy(3 + (i << 2), 35), 'a' + i);
    GD.wr(atxy(0, 5 + (i << 2)), '8' - i);
    GD.wr(atxy(33, 5 + (i << 2)), '8' - i);


static int clock[2];

// draw digit d in sprite slots spr,spr+1 at (x,y)
static void digit(byte spr, byte d, byte bw, int x, int y)
  GD.sprite(spr, x, y, digits + d, 2 + bw, 0);
  GD.sprite(spr + 1, x, y + 16, digits + d + 11, 2 + bw, 0);

static void showclock(byte bw)
  int t = clock[bw];
  byte spr = 128 + (bw * 16);
  byte s = t % 60;
  int y = (bw ? 31 : 3) * 8;
  byte d0 = s % 10; s /= 10;
  digit(spr,      d0, bw, 400 - 1 * 16, y);
  digit(spr + 2,   s, bw, 400 - 2 * 16, y);

  digit(spr + 4,  10, bw, 400 - 3 * 16, y);    // colon
  spr += 6;
  int x = 400 - 4 * 16;

  byte m = t / 60;
  do {
    d0 = m % 10; m /= 10;
    digit(spr,  d0, bw, x, y);
    spr += 2;
    x -= 16;
  } while (m);

static int turn;

#define ALG(r,f) ((r - 'a') + ((8 - f) * 8))
#define CASTLE 255,255

static byte game[] = {
  ALG('e', 2),ALG('e', 4), ALG('e', 7),ALG('e', 5),
  ALG('g', 1),ALG('f', 3), ALG('b', 8),ALG('c', 6),
  ALG('f', 1),ALG('b', 5), ALG('a', 7),ALG('a', 6),
  ALG('b', 5),ALG('a', 4), ALG('g', 8),ALG('f', 6),
  ALG('d', 1),ALG('e', 2), ALG('b', 7),ALG('b', 5),
  ALG('a', 4),ALG('b', 3), ALG('f', 8),ALG('e', 7),
  ALG('c', 2),ALG('c', 3), CASTLE,
  CASTLE,                  ALG('d', 7),ALG('d', 5),
  ALG('e', 4),ALG('d', 5), ALG('f', 6),ALG('d', 5),
  ALG('f', 3),ALG('e', 5), ALG('d', 5),ALG('f', 4),
  ALG('e', 2),ALG('e', 4), ALG('c', 6),ALG('e', 5),
  ALG('e', 4),ALG('a', 8), ALG('d', 8),ALG('d', 3),
  ALG('b', 3),ALG('d', 1), ALG('c', 8),ALG('h', 3),
  ALG('a', 8),ALG('a', 6), ALG('h', 3),ALG('g', 2),
  ALG('f', 1),ALG('e', 1), ALG('d', 3),ALG('f', 3),

static void putalg(byte x, byte y, byte a)
  GD.wr(atxy(x, y), 'a' + (a & 7));
  GD.wr(atxy(x+1, y), '8' - ((a >> 3) & 7));

void loop()
  byte i;
  for (i = random(25); i; i--) {
    clock[(1 & turn) ^ 1]++;
  if (turn < (sizeof(game) / 2)) {
    byte yy = 8 + (turn >> 1);
    byte xx = (turn & 1) ? 44 : 38;
    byte i = 1 + (turn >> 1);
    if (i >= 10)
      GD.wr(atxy(35, yy), '0' + i / 10);
    GD.wr(atxy(36, yy), '0' + i % 10);
    GD.wr(atxy(37, yy), '.');

    byte from = game[2 * turn];
    byte to = game[2 * turn + 1];
    if (from != 255) {
      putalg(xx, yy, from);
      GD.wr(atxy(xx + 2, yy), movepiece(find(from), to) ? 'x' : '-');
      putalg(xx + 3, yy, to);
    } else {
      byte rank = (turn & 1) ? 8 : 1;
      movepiece(find(ALG('e', rank)), ALG('g', rank));
      movepiece(find(ALG('h', rank)), ALG('f', rank));
      GD.putstr(xx, yy, "O-O");
  } else {
    turn = 0;
    clock[0] = 0;
    clock[1] = 0;